Australia is the sixth largest country in the world in terms of area. Which is facing a big problem at the moment. Australia is one of the richest and most developed countries in the world. But this country is going to be in big trouble in the coming times.

               Australia is famous all over the world for its wildlife and beautiful "coaster line". The species of Kangaroos, Pythons, Snakes found in Australia are not found in any other corner of the world. Well, we only know Australia because of its cricket team. Steve Waugh, Mark Waugh, McGrath, Brett Lee etc. But Australia is very famous in the world for another thing Australia is very famous because of its geographical structure. Australia is a single country on the world map. If we look at the map of Australia, one thing is very strange, about 90% of Australia is desert. While 85% of Australia's population lives on the coast line of Australia, if you look at the Australian map, Australia is completely empty from 85% to 90%..


                75% of Australia's population lives in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. And these three cities are on the coast line of Australia. To understand the composition of this population of Australia we have to go into history. By the way, Australia has been anonymous throughout human history. Australia was first discovered by a Dutchman named William Jean in 1606 when he was returning from Indonesia with trade goods and on the way his ship came close to the Australian coast due to a storm. An island appeared in the distance. "It was Australia."

            He went back and informed everyone about this island and then in 1770, the British explorer Captain James Cook went on this journey with some of his companions and landed on the eastern side of Australia. When Captain James Cook landed on the eastern side, he had a fierce fight with the natives there and Captain James Cook had to run back for his life.

            Then 8 years later Captain Arthur Phillip came here with 300 people on eleven ships, he captured this coastline. After bringing this part under British control, he tried to discover the western side of Australia, but the desert Many of his companions died from the heat and thirst, and he was forced to retreat.


            Australia originally became famous in 1851. When huge deposits of gold were discovered in a village called Braider, 210 km away from Sydney. In the next 20 years, 40% of the world's gold production began to take place in Australia. 

All this gold would go to the British from here and the British government would use this gold to maintain the pound rate. These thirty years are called The Years of Gold Rush. During these 20 years, millions of people from Europe and America came to Australia and settled here. When Australia was discovered in 1851, the population of Australia was 4.5 million and after 20 years in 1871, this population had reached 7 million.


            From 1871 to 1900, Australia was divided into six colonies. Then in 1901, all these colonies came together as one country called the Commonwealth State of Australia and emerged on the world map. 

After that, the journey of development of Australia started. At that time, no one except white people was allowed to immigrate to Australia. It remained like this for the next 60 years, then finally in 1967, the Non-White Immigration Policy was abolished and removed from Skin Color and set to Skill. 

After which thousands of people from Asia, Middle East and the Pacific started settling in Australia. And till date many cultures and people from other countries are coming and settling in Australia and that is why today Australia is a Multi-Cultural country where you will find people of every country and religion. It is ranked 8th in the world and therefore it is a dream country for many people of South Asia.


                But Australia is being caught in a trap Australia has come to the top of the list of the most expensive countries in the world in the last few years. Three cities in Australia have been included in the list of Top 10 Unaffordable Cities. Sydney is the second most expensive city in the world after Hong Kong. Its housing market has a huge hand in making Australia unaffordable.

                You might be thinking that with so much vacant space in Australia, why is it so difficult to buy a home here? By the way, wherever you are in the world, having your own home is the desire of every human being. But for Australians, home is their national identity. Owning your own home is still a top priority and dream for 75% of Australians today. But this dream is slowly dying now.

In 1970, the average salary in Australia was $4,200. At that time, a typical house cost $18,700.

In 2024, this Australian average salary has reached $74,000. That's about 17 times more than in 1970. On the other hand, a typical house today costs $1,500,000, which is 80 times more than it did in 1970.

                    This means that if you collect your average salary for the next 20 years, you will have a hard time buying a house. Because the value of the house will have gone up in twenty years. This is the case not only in Sydney, but also in all the other big cities of Australia, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra. Even those earning $100,000 in Australia can only afford 30% of the house.


                Australia's population is growing by 400,000 people each year. Australia's population growth is almost  2 times from Canada and the United States. 

                    The main reason for this population growth is immigration. Every year thousands of people come to Australia from China and South Asia. Some of them take Australian citizenship years later. But many people are not able to get the nationality even after spending lakhs of rupees on the degree.

                    There is not as much supply of houses as there is demand to accommodate so many nationality holders.

                    Australia needs a lot of hard work and attention in the coming times to provide housing and other necessities to all newly arrived nationality holders.

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