Syedna Hazrat Imam Ali (RA), The Lion of Allah


 Syedna Hazrat Imam Ali (RA), The Lion of Allah

                Bab Madinah al-Ilam, the diver of the sea, the burnt fire, the leader of the saints and Asfiya, the Amir al-Mu'minin, Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Abi Talib, Karram Allah, was born ten years before the Prophet's birth in the month of Rajab. His surname was Abu Tarab and Abu Al Hasan while Haider Karrar was his title. Najib al-Tarfeen Hashemi. He (RA) was the cousin of the Holy Prophet. According to the traditions, the Holy Prophet took the responsibility of raising Hazrat Ali (RA). Hazrat Ali (RA) received the honor of being brought up in the love and compassion of the Holy Prophet.

                You were the first among children to accept Islam. When the public preaching started according to the order of Allah Ta'ala, he supported the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in spite of difficulties and sufferings and even in the most painful and trying stage. It was Hazrat Ali (RA) who was ordered by Khatam al-Nabib Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) at the time of migration to Medina, O Ali, sleep on my bed and in the morning deliver the trusts to their rightful owners. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) made him his son-in-law and married him to his lovely daughter “Sayyida Fatima A.S”. You have the honor of participating in all the most important battles. He was the scribe of the agreement on the occasion of peace of Hudaybiya. 

                    The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave the flag of Islam to him in many battles. The Battle of Khyber, peace be upon him gave the flag in the hands of Hazrat Ali (RA) and announced the victory. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: O Muslims, Hazrat Ali (RA) is the most capable of making the right decision among you. Hazrat Syedna Umar Farooq RA says that if I had not had the companionship of Hazrat Ali (RA), my life would have been wasted in the affairs of the kingdom. In THE METHOD", Hazrat Ali was the owner of a very high honor and the highest position. Hazrat Junaid al-Baghdadi says about his ability to solve the problems of principles and facts: "Ali al-Murtaza The Lion of God is our leader in principles of THE METHOD" and suffering."

              The leader of the knowledge and practice of THE METHOD" is Hazrat Ali (RA). A person came to the service of Hazrat Ali (RA), may Allah be pleased with him, and he said, Amirul Mu'minin, give me some bequest. He (RA) said: Do not think of your greatest occupation as serving your wife and children only, because if your family and friends are acceptable servants of Allah, then He will never waste His acceptable servants, and if they disobey Allah, Allah will punish you. What is the relationship with the enemies? This problem is related to the disconnection of the heart with non-Allah, that He keeps His servants as He wants, but in this way, faith is the first condition. 

            Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) handed over the daughter of Hazrat Shuaib (peace be upon him) to God in a very difficult time. Did not allow His family to become his main occupation and goal, and completely turned his heart towards the Almighty. A person asked Hazrat Ali (RA), may Allah be pleased with him, what is the purest thing? He said: "The heart which has become free from everything because of its relationship with Allah, so that the absence of the world cannot make it poor and its existence cannot give it happiness. Sayings and rulings of the Prophet Full of wisdom and power of reasoning are considered in the highest level. Some of the sayings of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with him) are: 

1:  God's grace is the best guide. 

2:  The greatest wealth is wisdom and the greatest poverty is stupidity. 

3:  The punishment in the world of sins is that there is laziness in worship and                 hardship in economy. 

4:  The desire for the halal arises in a person who tries his best to leave the                     haram(illegal). 

5:  A perfect jurist would be one who does not disappoint people from the mercy          of Allah Almighty and does not allow them to commit sins.

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#HazratAliAS #MoulaAliAS #TheLionofGod  #PersonalityofMoulaAliAS

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