The Story of Hazrat Adam (AS) and Bibi Hawa (AS)

The Story of Hazrat Adam (AS) and Bibi Hawa (AS)

The child of the jinn in the sky:  

Two thousand years before the existence of the human race, God Almighty created the universe. He gave command to the jinn on earth, who were created from fire and the angels and angels created from light in the heavens, they were always engaged in worshiping God. Being born from fire, the jinn had a fiery temper. Rebellion, rebellion, rioting and bloodshed were part of their system. When the fighting between the jinn on the earth became too much, Allah the Exalted would send armies of angels from the heavens, who would kill the rebellious jinn and drive them away to the sea islands and desolate mountainous regions. 

During one such bloody battle, the angels found an innocent child of the Jinn crying in a desert. His parents may have served in the war of the jinn. The angels felt sorry for the child's innocent face. However, with the permission of the Lord of the Universe, the angels brought that child to the heavens. Where he started to be called by the name of "Teacher of the Kingdom" very soon due to the intelligence given by Allah Ta'ala. Saeed bin Musayyib says that he was the chief of the angels in the sky of the world. (Qasas Ibn Kathir, page 31).

The great decision of Allah Ta'ala: 

It  is mentioned one morning, the angels were engaged in the usual worship of God, when suddenly a command from the Throne of God was raised in the air. Translation: "I am the one who will make my vicegerent on earth." Why does He create such a person, who causes mischief in the earth and sheds blood? And we are about to declare Your glorification, praise, and purity." Allah Almighty said, "What I know, you do not know" (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 30). Hazrat Qatadah says that "The knowledge of the angels that humans will cause mischief and bloodshed in the world happened in such a way that they were well aware of the mischief and bloodshed of the jinn in the world." 

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar RA says that "The jinn were inhabited two thousand years before Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) and when they shed blood, Allah would send angels to suppress them." Ibn Abi Hatim Hazrat Abu Jafar Baqir has narrated the same thing from Hazrat Ibn Abbas RA and it was also said that he got the information from Loh Mahfooz and it is also narrated that this was told to the angels by his two companions Harut and Marut had told and both of them were told this by the above angel "Sajal". (Qasas Ibn Kathir, page 27).

Mention of Hazrat Adam (AS) in the Holy Quran:  

The name of Hazrat Adam (AS) is mentioned in twenty-five verses of nine chapters of the Holy Quran. Five places in Surah Al-Baqara, two verses of Surah Aal Imran, one verse of Surah Al-Maida, seven verses of Surah Al-A'raf, two verses of Surah Al-Israa, one place each in Surah Al-Kahf and Surah Maryam. At five places in Surah Ta'ah and one place in Surah Yasin. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Al-A'raf, Surah Al-Israa, Surah Kahf and Surah Ta'ah with both names and attributes and in Surah Hajar and S. with only attributes. While in Surah Al-Imran, Surah Maida, Surah Maryam and Surah Yasin, the name has been taken as a supplement.

Creation of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him):  

On the authority of Hazrat Abu Musa Ash'ari, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said. "Allah created Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) from a handful of dust. This clay was obtained from all over the earth. This is the reason why there are people of different colors and races in the generation of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). In the Holy Qur'an, there is a divine statement, translation: "And We have created humans from rotting clay" (Surah Hajar, verse 26). "It is He who made the human being out of clay like clay" (Surat al-Rahman: 14). 

It is further stated in the Holy Qur'an that Allah Ta'ala taught Adam (peace be upon him) the names of all things and presented them to the angels and said, "If you are truthful, then tell them the names of these things." Everyone said, "O Allah! Your Self is pure. We only have as much knowledge as you have taught us. You are the only one who has full knowledge and wisdom." Allah said to Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). "Tell them their names." When they told them, Allah said, "Didn't I tell you before that I alone know the unseen of the earth and the heavens and it is within my knowledge, which You are revealing what you used to hide. (Surat al-Baqarah, verses 31 to 33).

Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) explained everything that the angels could not explain. In this way, Allah Ta'ala explained the wisdom of the creation of Adam (peace be upon him) to the angels, and explained the importance and excellence of knowledge for running the system of the world. When the importance of knowledge became clear to the angels, they admitted their ignorance of knowledge and understanding. It is also clear from the confession of the angels that the world of the unseen is only Allah, the Lord of the worlds. The chosen servants of Allah also have as much knowledge as Allah bestows upon them.

The command to leave Paradise:  

The angels were commanded to "prostrate before Adam." Immediately all the angels obeyed the command, but Satan refused with pride and arrogance and he became one of the disbelievers. (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 34). Allah Almighty said to Iblis, "When I commanded you, what prevented you from prostrating?" He said, "I am better than him, you I have been created from fire and he from dust." Allah Almighty said, "Go down from Paradise, you have no right to stay here and be proud. So get out. Indeed, you are one of the humiliated." He said, "Give me respite until the Day of Resurrection." Allah said, "Go, you are given respite." Then Satan He said, "What do you curse me?" I will also sit on your straight path to lead them astray. Then I will attack them, from their front and from their back and from their right and from their left. And you will not find most of them grateful." Allah Almighty said, "Get out of here humiliated and humiliated, whoever among them listens to what you say, I will surely fill Hell with all of you. I will give.” (Surah Al-A'raf, verses 12 to 18).

The respite for Iblis until the Day of Resurrection:  

When Iblis saw that he had been rejected and rejected from God's presence because of his heinous crime, instead of repenting and repenting, he gave evidence of even more black misfortune and reluctance. And in such a way that he begged God for life until the day of death and requested him to atone for his sins. He was deprived of the blessings of Paradise, he started threatening that Adam (peace be upon him) in front of Rabb Dhul-Jalal that "Now I will not leave your children and I will force them to disobey the Lord by making them my cousins." And I will make most of them ungrateful to God, but the sincere and righteous servants of God will not be able to come into my grasp.

Satan's first achievement:  

Now Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) began to live in Paradise. Thus, all the comforts and blessings were present in Paradise, but despite this, Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) felt lonely and alienated. In order to comfort them and to save them from the terror of loneliness, Allah created Mother Hawa, who proved to be their companion. Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Hawa had been given permission by Allah Almighty to stay in Paradise, roam around and eat and drink whatever they want. However, one of the bountiful blessings of heaven was designated as a tree and forbidden to eat it and to go near it.

From here, Iblees found a way to persuade Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of this tree by whispering and seducing them, so that they would disobey the command of the Lord and avenge their hatred and vengeance. can put out the fire So, Satan went ahead and gave them various hopes and deceptions. First of all, he said to them both, "You are allowed to eat the fruit of every tree in Paradise, have you considered why you are forbidden to eat the fruit of one tree, after all this?" What could be the reason? So listen, I tell you, the Lord has prevented both of you from eating its fruit because if you eat this fruit, you will get eternal life and you will become angels. The angel of death will never stray near you. Servants of God! This tree is "Shajar-e-Khuld". After taking oaths, Iblis started trying to make them believe that "I am the pain and well-wisher of both of you." Take my word and without wasting time go to this tree and eat its fruit, then see what changes happen.

Therefore, Shaytan greedily ensnared them by swearing false oaths, until he came close to accomplishing his mission due to his stubbornness, gentleness, flattery and excessive compassion. It was their long-standing enemy, who had refused to prostrate to Adam (A.S.) out of jealousy and intense hatred for his exaltation to the divine Khilafah, and God himself had reprimanded him with the strongest words of his deception. While ordering to avoid cheating, he said, translation: "(Look!) This is your enemy and your wife's enemy. So let it not drive you both out of Paradise, then you will be in pain" (Surah Ta'ah, 117). What happened then? As soon as they saw it, both of them became naked. Seeing themselves in this condition, they got up in panic and started covering their bodies with the leaves of the trees of Paradise, this was the first achievement of Satan. (Qasas al-Anbiya, Allama Abdul Wahab al-Najjar al-Masri, pp. 28, 29).

Shame, regret, plea for forgiveness:  

Allah the Exalted was aware of each and every move of Satan, but this was the will of Allah, so when the Lord of the Kaaba saw them both in this state, He said, "Didn't I forbid you?" Don't go near that tree and don't be seduced by Satan, it is your open enemy" (Surah Al-A'raf 22). 

When both of them heard the call of Allah, they trembled with fear. With great helplessness and humility, being sorry and ashamed of his mistake, he said in the presence of God, translation: "O our Lord! Both of us have made a big mistake. Now, if you do not show mercy and grace to us and do not forgive us, then we will be destroyed and ruined." Almighty God said that "Now you both will stay on earth for a certain period of time. Where you will be enemies of one another, and there you will die and there you will be born again.” (Surah Al-A’raf, verses 24, 25).

Order for Hazrat Adam and Eve to live on earth:  

Where did Hazrat Adam and Eve descend on earth? There are different traditions in this regard. Allama Ibn Kathir has written these traditions with different references. It is narrated from Hazrat Sadi that when Hazrat Adam (A.S.) came down from Paradise to India, he also had the black stone with him. Hazrat Hasan says that Hazrat Adam descended in India and Hazrat Hawa descended in Jeddah and Iblis descended at Dastiman, a few miles away from Basra. 

It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas RA that Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) was brought down to a place between Makkah and Taif. Hazrat Ibn Umar RA said that Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) descended on Safa Hill and Hazrat Hawa (AS) descended on Marwa Hill. Hazrat Saddi says that Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) had a handful of leaves from the trees of Paradise, which he spread on the ground. All kinds of sweet-smelling trees on earth are the product of these leaves. 

It was narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas RA that Hazrat Gabriel came to Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) and brought seven grains of wheat with him. Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) asked. Gabriel Amin! What is this?" He said, "It is the fruit of this tree, from which you were prevented, but you ate it." Hazrat Adam, peace be upon him, said, "So what should I do with it now? He said, "Sow them in the ground." Hazrat Adam, peace be upon him, planted them. Those grains were a million times more in weight than the grains of the world. Those seeds sprouted. 

Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) harvested the crop, then separated the grains from the husk and cleaned them. Grind it and knead the dough and bake bread. In this way, after working hard, he ate it. Adam's first garment was made of sheep's wool. Under the guidance of Hazrat Gabriel (A.S), they first cut the wool, then spun it on a spinning wheel, then Hazrat Adam (A.S.) made from it a robe for himself and a long shirt and a cloak for mother Hawa (A.S.). (Qassas Ibn Kathir, page 64). 

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Readmore: The story of Hazrat Adam and Bibi Hawa last episode





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