A few weeks ago, a three-day conference on the environment under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program was held in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. One point agenda of this conference was on the topic of increase in plastic products in the world and millions of tons of plastic waste being dumped in the seas every day. Global warming, global cooling Climate change is a major threat to the planet and the natural environment, along with plastic and its products such as bottles, plates, spoons, glasses, cups and countless other items made of plastic. Are going?

Kenya is playing a prominent role in the whole continent in terms of environmental reform. It also accepted the hosting of this three-day conference in which presidents, prime ministers and experts, scientists of one hundred and twelve countries participated. The participants of the conference were told that the plastic-addicted world is producing three hundred million tons of goods every year. Only 4% of the plastic is recycled, the rest of the used plastic is sent to the sea. It is said that two million plastic bags are used every minute. It is estimated that in the next 25 years there will be more plastic waste in the oceans and less fish.

One million plastic bottles are bought in the world in one minute. Experts claim that the world's ten largest rivers are dumping more than ninety percent of garbage into the oceans every day. What is even more dangerous is that 70,000 microplastics are consumed every day through the plastic utensils used for eating and drinking. In addition to this, the use of artificial food is also increasing.

At the Nairobi conference, experts also emphasized that plastic litter is also causing serious damage to the ocean. Most of the developed countries of the world have banned plastic products that were used daily. Plastic has become a necessity of humans and has entered their lives far, but a generation is still oblivious to its harmful effects and damages. Free societies are seriously affected by complacency, laziness, laziness and serious thinking. The poison of pollution is gradually spreading. Its effects are beginning to show in various diseases and epidemics.

The bitter truth is that the world is progressing. There is talk of progress, but along with it, gradual decline is also facing various threats. The real problem is that modern life, abundance of comforts, greed and greed are leading to deterioration instead of improvement.

Britain's leading newspaper Guardian revealed in a survey report that since 1958, 8.3 billion tons of plastic waste have been dumped into the oceans, which is equivalent to the weight of eight million Eiffel Towers. Among the major problems and threats facing the world, the first is the rampant increase in the world's population, the deterioration of the natural environment of the planet, the rapid increase in pollution, climate change, the increase in epidemics, the US-China tension, terrorism, intolerance and nuclear weapons. In addition to the proliferation of weapons, class conflict, social inequality, poverty, backwardness and the beginning of a new war are also major threats to the security of humanity, especially our societies seem unable to support the ongoing rapid pace of the world. They seem devoid of scientific thought and thought. 

We don't take into account the environment, climate change and prudence. Order and balance is the first principle of the universe. Man's intellect is baffled by the brilliant revelations of modern space exploration and we are unable to dispose of garbage in our own streets. On the one hand, humanity is concerned and surprised by the natural environment, and we are concerned and surprised by the environment of our societies.

It is said that there is a significant group of experts in the world who do not recognize the deterioration of the natural environment and climate change as the cause of increased pollution. This group says that the world has endured similar natural environments for thousands of years. Storms, floods, earthquakes, extremes of heat and cold, weather changes have all happened and will continue to happen. It should be noted that former American President Donald Trump used to express some similar views. He even said that some scientists are blackmailing the world in this regard, however, they cannot ban anyone's ideas. 


Undoubtedly, environmental degradation, climate change and increase in pollution are a reality. Socrates was poisoned by such thinkers. The French astronaut who is circling the French President Micron in Jokhala told the President that the earth which I saw from space three years ago now looks like half of it, there is no green in most of the regions. 

The fact is that over sixty and seventy years of space exploration, astronauts in different eras have gone into space, landed on the moon, taken pictures in space and reported the galaxy billions of miles away from Earth. This important information gained over a long period of time will greatly increase human knowledge. The process of fulfilling the centuries-old desire of man to conquer the universe has begun. The new giant space probe Hubble Hardan is surprising the world by making new discoveries.

Judged in this context, man still looks semi-savage. The land, devoid of political, economic and social values, seems to be selfish, cruel, the proof of this is seen in the daily news and somewhere in the war and riots. In America, Australia, South Africa, etc., dense forests are an important part of our earth's natural environment, yet we do not stop deforestation. Do not stop adding to the pollution. We are not inclined to follow the suggestions and procedures that have been devised to minimize the pollution. 

The Glasgow conference on how to reduce the temperature level by 1.5 degrees was on the agenda of the Glasgow conference on dumping toxic waste from factories. Geologists believe that if the temperature of the earth increases by two degrees, it will increase and the earth may be subject to major natural disasters by 2023, so the process of reducing it by 1.5 should be done seriously now. In this year's Nairobi conference, the one-point agenda, production of plastic products, indiscriminate use and millions of tons of garbage being dumped into the sea every day are showing dire effects and causing serious threats to aquatic life.

An international survey reports that half of the species of marine life have become rare in the last 25 years. These fish and other marine organisms are forced to eat plastic. Because of this, their species are rapidly disappearing. A small tuna fish was available in large quantities around the coast in Karachi beach, now its numbers are gradually decreasing. Tuna fish is in high demand in the global market. This fish is found in hot humid regions.

Experts have submitted reports to the governments several times that by developing the coastal area of ​​three to four miles along the Karachi to Gwadar coastline and making picnic spots and resorts, tourists will come from which the country can earn a lot of foreign exchange, but for unknown reasons. But all these reports and reviews have been covered with red tape. 

It should be noted that India has not only made its ancient buildings, temples and archeology the center of tourist entertainment, but also has built most of the sea tourism centers in Chennai, Kerala, Goa, Masakapatnam, Bay of Bengal, from which a third part of India's total income comes from tourism. It is late. Other environmental institutions including Asian Bank are willing to lend on soft terms to promote tourism in Pakistan. Moreover, if the tourism industry is developed, employment can be provided to thousands of people in the country.

Saudi Arabia has started the construction of a new city near the Red Sea. It will be a tourist center equipped with modern facilities. The increase in transportation in the world and the concept of the global village have greatly increased the consciousness of bringing the people of the world closer together and seeing the world. Pakistan has a very prominent ancient heritage. There are ruins of historical cities of seven thousand years ago. Baluchistan, Sindh have most of the prominent signs of ancient times. There is a beautiful and attractive beach. These are the essentials for tourism which nature has already put in our cradle.

After years of research, experts and scientists have come to the conclusion that the deterioration that has occurred in the natural environment of the earth can also be corrected by natural means. Most of the countries have started working on these sources, for example, solar energy, water energy and air energy. But the multinational organizations of several major countries are quietly trying to find life in space and also to discover a planet that can meet the needs of human life and provide them protection. It is said that two planets have been discovered. But they are thousands of light years away from us. The last will of the famous scientist and astronomer of the world is that man should not find life in space and if he wants to leave the earth and settle on another planet, it cannot be done. If they are found, they will destroy man and even if such a planet is found, he cannot survive on that planet because man was born on earth. He lives and dies with the earth. The four elements are fire, air, water, earth which are fundamental to us.

The participants of the Nairobi conference saw that the high mountains of Kilimanjaro, located in the beautiful forests near Nairobi, which were covered with snow fifty or sixty years ago, now look only rocky. There are natural safari parks, animals have become scarce, the intensity of the heat is becoming unbearable for the weak animals, yet the continent of Africa is located on the equator or the equator, where the heat is the highest. Serious problems are also being created for the inhabitants of the region, including animals and birds. Kenya has long been engaged in voluntary efforts to improve the natural environment by partnering with the United Nations.

The world's scientists and anthropologists have repeatedly warned that the speed at which the world's population is increasing is itself a big threat, but the reverse-minded elements and astrologers mislead the public by giving obsolete arguments against it. . Dozens of books have been written in Western languages ​​on the subject of "population explosion" and feature films and documentaries are also being produced. But the leaders and legislators of the developing countries, especially the South Asian countries, do not hear it if they impartially measure the growth rate of Pakistan's population and the average growth of the production sectors and compare it with the production of the population. It will be known that we are in a big loss. But people are silenced by showing fake statistics.

It should be noted that the natural environment also includes the way of life of societies. If societies are healthy, prosperous and adhere to the rules of hygiene and are settled in small families, then such societies are supportive of the natural environment. If the family is big, the population is more, the consumers are also more and the garbage, dirt is also more, thus the string of problems increases.

The second major problem of the world which is becoming the first major problem is the degradation and deterioration of the natural environment. Both warming and cooling have increased alarmingly, experts say. The great disorder that is emerging in the fluctuations of the seasons is a threat to the entire humanity and the security of this planet. The United States has created a large task force of senators, scientists and experts on the environment, which is conducting its research with the major scientific research institutions of the United States, including NASA. This team is visiting important regions of the world. 

In addition, for research on plantations, a large piece of wood can be cut from old trees in different areas and a large piece of wood can be taken out. Is. In fact, the piece that is cut from the trunk of an old tree has many circles inside it. By researching these circles, it can be found out what happened in the weather changes in this area, rains, floods, earthquakes, The whole record of stormy weather and natural calamities is imprinted on a piece of tree trunk. This modern technology has been developed in the 1980s and some time ago in Pakistan too, past weather conditions are being evaluated through tree planting.

Now most of the research is done on the bottom of the oceans, the big mountains in the sea, the marine life of all kinds, but now the history of seven to eight thousand years is available to man. Man is digging now. Space is climbing and new discoveries are being made at every step and countless galaxies are emerging, so the earth is a very small thing. 

Perhaps equal, whatever is the position of this planet in this wider universe, but this is human being. Protecting it, taking care of the natural elements on this planet, minimizing pollution is the most important need of the hour. It should not be forgotten that the small ant and the small caterpillar crawling on this planet are also part of the natural environment and are playing their role.

It should be noted that in the 1960s, the Chinese government had killed millions of birds for eating grain. The second year the Chinese crops were attacked by insects. Then they learned that sparrows stored grain and ate insects that damaged crops. This is also a lesson for the world. Sparrows eat grain nominally. The grains are chewed, but their main diet is the insects that feed on the crops.

One of the most terrifying threats to this planet and humanity is nuclear weapons and nuclear war. Like during the recent Russia-Ukraine war, Russian President Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine and also put the commanders of his nuclear forces on high alert. What would happen if a nuclear power used a nuclear weapon against its rival or accidentally detonated a bomb? 

The vast population of the world must know that nuclear weapons are deadly and very harmful. But the majority is unable to accurately assess its destruction and destruction. It is surprising that Russian President Vladimir Putin, an experienced and well-informed leader, threatened nuclear war against a poor developing country like Ukraine. In such a situation, some emotional experts are praising this statement or possible action of President Putin.

The natural environment of the planet, the problems faced by the world, inflation, unemployment and other major problems are faced by everyone. In such a situation, the world cannot afford war. Recently, a report has come out regarding nuclear weapons and the persons authorized to use them. According to which the President of America always carries a special briefcase with him. In which there is a device to allow firing of the weapon. Only the President can open this briefcase and press the button to authorize a nuclear attack, and the staff assigned to this terrible task will fire a nuclear missile or bomb at the target in the blink of an eye. 

A similar system and briefcase exists with the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of Great Britain. As soon as the British Prime Minister takes office, a secret message is stored with the relevant squire. When the time comes, they can open it and follow the instructions. Not yet given such an opportunity. The President of China also has a similar briefcase in which the device indicates that a nuclear attack on China is about to take place, and the President immediately considers it. For this purpose, China has built safe shelters in the ground. After a pause, the Chinese President orders a counter-attack. In this context, it can be said that China's attitude in using nuclear weapons is cautious and responsible to some extent.

On the third day of the recent Russia-Ukraine war, the head of the European Environment Agency, Carl Birch, arrived in Ukraine. Clouds of dirty smoke are covering the sky in the region of Ukraine. The debris of broken buildings is scattered everywhere. 

Water and gas pipelines have burst, drinking water, food and fuel are scarce. Diseases of throat and chest pain are spreading in children and people are deprived of all basic facilities. The natural environment is being badly affected. Ukraine is having terrible effects, it is also threatened with the use of nuclear weapons.

It should be emphasized that if concrete evidence is presented to the ICC, it is authorized to take action against the war Kremlins. Recently, during the ongoing tribal and regional war in Sudan, Sudan's autocratic leader Omar al-Bashr was poisoned in a well located in the areas of the opposing faction. On which ECC issued their arrest warrant. Now the ICC is investigating Ukraine. But Ukraine's natural environment has been severely degraded, with miles of fields burned, the land blackened and strewn with gunpowder.

People are collecting snow scattered on the ground in pots and drinking water from it. Experts say that this snow is also harmful to health. But if this war continues, its dangerous effects can spread far and wide. The natural environment of the planet has already been severely affected, and such a war is even more dangerous. The leaders and people of the whole world should appeal to both sides to stop the war and also try to stop the war so that in such a situation the natural environment of the planet and humanity can be protected from further threats and terrible effects.


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