The Story of Jesus Ibn Maryam: Qasas al-Qur'an

 Qasas al-Qur'an: The Story of Jesus Ibn Maryam

·                      ALLAH IS CAPABLE OF EVERYTHING: 

Maulana Ahmed Raza Khan Barilvi writes a saying of Hazrat Wahib that "The first person who came to know about Hazrat Maryam's pregnancy was her cousin Yusuf Najjar, who He was a servant of Bait Al-Maqdis Mosque and a very pious person. When he came to know that Hazrat Maryam was pregnant, he was very surprised. 

Whenever he intended to slander Bibi Maryam, he would be silenced by remembering her worship and piety and being present at all times, not disappearing at any time, and when he thought of pregnancy, he would find it difficult to misunderstand her. . Finally, one day he said to Hazrat Maryam, "One thing has come to my heart, I want to not say it on my tongue, but I have no patience now. If you allow me, then I will say it. This is how my heart is." Hazrat Maryam said. "That's good, tell me, what do you want to say?" He said. "O Maryam! Tell me, can a crop be without a seed, a tree without rain and a child without a father?'' He created without a seed and made trees grow by His power without rain, can you say that Allah is not able to create trees without water?'' Yusuf said. "I don't say that. Verily, I am convinced that Allah is Able to do all things. Whatever you say, it happens. 

Hazrat Maryam said, "Don't you know that Allah created Adam and Eve without a mother or father?" Yusuf Najjar's doubt was cleared by these words of Hazrat Maryam. . Hazrat Maryam (AS) became weak due to pregnancy. Therefore, he began to perform the duty of his representative in the service of the mosque. Allah inspired Hazrat Maryam to go away from her people, so she went to Bethlehem" (Kanzalaiman, Commentary on Surah Maryam, page 441).

·                      MENTION OF HAZRAT ISA (AS) IN THE HOLY QURAN: 

Hazrat Isa (AS) is mentioned under different names in thirteen chapters of the Holy Quran. In 26 places it was called Jesus, in 23 places Ibn Maryam, in 11 places Christ and in one place Abdullah. The Nineteenth Surah of the Holy Quran, Surah Maryam is named after your mother Majda. The third Surah of the Holy Qur'an, Surah Aal-e-Imran (A.S.) is named after his grandfather and the father of Hazrat Maryam (A.S.). In the fifth Surah of the Glorious Qur'an, Surah al-Ma'idah, there is a mention of the food, which was requested by the disciples of Jesus. Prophet Jesus is mentioned the most in the Holy Quran. In the Qur'an and Hadith, their situations are described more than all the prophets.


Allah sent the most number of prophets to the Children of Israel, while their last prophet was Jesus the son of Maryam. He gave the nation the good news of the arrival of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, the Last of the Prophets. Allah says, "And when Ibn Maryam said, O Children of Israel! I am sent to you by Allah and I give good tidings of a Messenger who will come after me. Whose name will be Ahmad" (Surat al-Saf, verse 6). However, no messenger came for 560 years after Jesus. 

Then Allah sent the prophet of the last days, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a mercy to all the worlds and revealed his last book, the Holy Qur'an. Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) revealed the Gospel at the age of thirty years and three years later took him to heaven, at that time he was thirty-three years old. It is a divine statement. "And We gave Jesus the son of Maryam (peace be upon him) the Gospel after those prophets, in which is guidance and light." (Surat Al-Ma'idah, 46).

·                      EMIGRATION OF JESUS IBN MARYAM: 

When Jesus was seven years old, his mother started sending him to seminary. It was a time when, unlike other children, instead of wasting time in sports, you would see the wonders inspired by Allah and tell people words of wisdom. However, the priests of the Israelites of that time started conspiracies against them considering them as a great threat to them. This was the time when Hazrat Zakaria (peace be upon him) was the prophet of Bani Israel, but the Jews disobeyed and denied their prophet due to their previous traditions and evil habits. 

Not only were these people practicing polytheism, but their religious leaders had also changed the Torah according to their wishes. With each passing day, their beliefs and actions were getting worse and worse, and now they felt threatened by Hazrat Isa (peace be upon them). She went to Egypt to her loved ones. After thirteen years, she came back to Bait-ul-Maqdis from Egypt by the order of Allah Ta'ala. Where Allah Ta'ala gave His Holy Book, the Gospel to Hazrat Isa Ibn Maryam (AS) and blessed him with nine special miracles.


Allah blessed every prophet granted miracles according to the circumstances and observations of that time. Like Hazrat Dawud and Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) were blessed with the miracles of logic, conquest, wind, birds and subjugation of the jinn. May Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) be granted nine open miracles, in which Pharaoh's drowning in the sea of ​​Qalazm with the sign of a scepter and an oval are among the great miracles. The flames of the burning fire on Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) were scattered. 

He gave the great miracle of Zamzam water to Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him). Noah's ark, Salih's camel, Yunus's survival in the belly of a fish, all these were miracles, and then the Prophet of the last days, Muhammad Mustafa, was the greatest miracle. He gave the Holy Quran. Apart from this, there are innumerable miracles, including the breaking of the crescent moon and the victory of Badr, which Allah bestowed upon Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him). In the same way, Lord Dhul-Jalal blessed Jesus with miracles. Allah says, translation: "And We gave clear signs (miracles) to Jesus son of Maryam" (Surat al-Baqarah, verse no. 253).

·                      NINE MIRACLES OF HAZRAT ISA IBN MARYAM:  

In the Holy Qur'an, the miracles and virtues of Hazrat Jesus Ibn Maryam, peace be upon him, have been mentioned by God Almighty.

1.      Hazrat Isa ibn Maryam (AS) was born without a father.

2.      He testified to the purity and righteousness of his mother by speaking in the embrace of his mother.

3.      If he made a bird in the shape of a bird or made a clay bird, he would blow on it, then by the command of Allah, it would come to life.

4.      If you put your hands on the eyes of the born blind, then by the command of Allah, his sight would be restored.

5.      He used to heal leprosy, leprosy and leprosy patients by Allah's order.

6.      By the command of Allah, the dead would be revived.

7.      People used to tell the details of what they ate from their homes, or what they stored in their homes.

8.      Allah Ta'ala saved Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) from the execution of Bani Israel and took him to the heavens alive.

9.      At the end of the day, Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) will descend into the world. As one of the ummah of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he will fight with the Muslims. 

Antichrist and pigs will be killed. The cross will be broken. There will be an era of peace and blessings on earth and only the religion of Islam will remain. He will be buried in the tomb of Rasoolullah.

·                      FIVE PROMISES OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY:  

In the Holy Quran, God Almighty made five promises to Jesus (AS) against the Jews. The details of which are in verse 55 of Surah Aal-e-Imran.

1.       According to the first promise, the death of Hazrat Isa ibn Maryam (a.s.) will not be done by the hands of the Jews, but will happen naturally at the appointed time.

2.      The promise of being lifted up to the upper world with safety was fulfilled at that time.

3.      The third promise was to purify them from the slanders of their enemies. It was fulfilled in such a way that when the prophet of the last days (peace be upon him) came, he denied all the accusations of the Jews and affirmed the prophet and messenger of Jesus Ibn Maryam (peace be upon him).

4.      The fourth promise, Your subjects will prevail over Your disbelievers until the Day of Resurrection. Ever since Allah made this promise, it has always been observed that the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims prevailed. (As far as the present government of Israel is concerned, its reality is nothing but that it owes to the Christians of America and Europe and they have a common camp against the Muslims, the day these Christians of the West If you raise your hands from your head, then very soon his existence will be erased from the map of the world.)

5.      The fifth promise is to judge these religious differences on the Day of Resurrection, which will surely be fulfilled in its time. As Allah says in verse 55 of Surah Al-Imran. Translation: "Then they will all come back to Me, so on that day I will judge you about the matters in which you used to differ." (Ma'arif al-Qur'an, 76/2).

·                      DISCIPLES OF JESUS:  

"Apostle" is derived from Hur, which literally means whiteness. A few sincere companions of Hazrat Jesus (AS) used to adorn themselves with white clothes, so they were given the title of disciples. As the companions of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, have been nicknamed "Sahabi". There is disagreement about the number of disciples, however, most historians put their number at 12. The word Hawari is also spoken in the meaning of helper. It is said in the blessed hadith, "Every prophet has a follower, that is, a faithful companion. My follower is Zubair." (Sahih Bukhari, 2846-2847). However, this word should not be used for the associates of an evil person.

Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) had neither a house nor a wife, children. He used to preach the religion of truth from city to city, from village to village, and help the servants of God with his miracles as needed, but despite all this, the Jewish chiefs and priests considered him as an enemy of their self-made and misguided ideas and tormented them, denied them, and tormented them. And do not refrain from causing grief. 

Among the deniers of Prophethood, there must have been a few people, who were followers of the Prophet (PBUH). When Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) saw that the children of Israel, despite the appearance of miracles, were denying the prophethood of him and were firmly fixed on disbelief, then he said, (It is the Almighty's turn to guide) Who is the helper?" The disciples replied, "We are your helpers in the way of Allah Ta'ala. We believe in Allah, the Exalted, and bear witness that we are submissive.” (Surah Aal-e-Imran, 52).


The disciples of Jesus (peace be upon him) were very sincere and obedient, but one day they made a strange request to Jesus (peace be upon him), which was described by God in the Qur'an. Translation: "The apostles said: O Jesus son of Maryam! Can your Lord send food from the sky to us? "If you are believers, then fear Allah." He said, "We desire that we may eat from it and find comfort in our hearts, and that we may believe that you have spoken the truth to us and Let us be witnesses to the revelation of this Qur'an." 

On the request of the disciples, Hazrat Isa Ibn Maryam (A.S.) prayed, "O our Lord! Send down upon us a table from the sky so that that day may be declared an Eid for us." Allah said, "Indeed, I will send down that table upon you, then whoever among you is ungrateful after that, then I will give him such a punishment, which will not be given to anyone in this world. The word maida is used for a table or table. A table on which food is chosen is called maida.

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Readmore: Qasas al-Qur'an: The story of Jesus Ibn Maryam (second and last episode)




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