The Story of Jesus Ibn Maryam: Qasas al-Qur'an P2


Qasas al-Qur'an: The story of Jesus Ibn Maryam (second and last episode)


Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi writes that Maida was descended from the sky or not? The commentators differ in this regard, while the majority of the Ummah are convinced of the descent. However, in the hadith of Jami Tirmidhi, it is narrated from Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir that "Maidah came down from the sky." It contained bread and meat. Allah Ta'ala ordered not to cheat, nor store for the next day. But they betrayed and collected and kept it for the next day, so their faces were mutilated and made like monkeys and pigs. So, they were transformed into monkeys and pigs. We pray to Allah, the wrath of Allah, the believer. It is not proper for a servant to test Allah by making such requests and ask for miracles. (Ma'arif al-Qur'an, 268/3).


Maulana Hafzur Rahman Siwaharvi writes that Hazrat Isa (AS) did not marry, nor did he build a house for his residence. They used to tell the message of Allah from city to city, city and village and perform the duty of calling and preaching the religion of truth. Wherever the night came, they would spend the night in a state of destitution. Since God's creations used to get physical and spiritual healing and satisfaction from his holy person, therefore the common creation used to have great devotion and love for him. The Jews not only resented his call to the truth, but his increasing popularity among the people was beyond their tolerance. After the failure of the jealous and hateful propaganda of the Jewish scholars, priests, jurists, chiefs from the mihrab and pulpit, as an extreme step, they prepared a conspiracy to enthrone Jesus Ibn Maryam by provoking the king of the time.


Due to the terrible situation of the Jews for the past few centuries, the rule of the King of Judea "Herod" was barely a quarter of the territory of his father, grandfather, and that too nominally. , while the actual government and power rested with the pagan emperor, Caesar of Rome, and on his orders, the governor or king of the majority of Judea was appointed. Although the Jews hated the power of the idolatrous king as their misfortune, but the fire of jealousy in their hearts against the Messiah had blinded those Jews with a low mentality born of centuries of slavery. 

However, one day their main representatives gathered and went to the king's court and requested. "Great! This person is becoming a serious threat to all of us. This person has made the creation his slave and made the people irreligious by showing strange magic. Now he wants to become the king of Israel by defeating Caesar and you on the basis of this power of the people. It is very important to crush this growing mischief immediately.”


So after much negotiation, the king allowed them to arrest Hazrat Masih (peace be upon him) and present him in the royal court. The chiefs, jurists and priests of Bani Israel were very happy with this decree and started congratulating each other with pride. It was decided among themselves to wait with great secrecy for the special occasion when they would be arrested in seclusion in such a way that the public would not be informed. 

On the one hand, the Jews were busy plotting to kill Hazrat Masih (peace be upon him), while on the other hand, God was with His beloved servant. In the Holy Qur'an Allah says: Translation: "And they made a secret plan and Allah also made a secret plan, and Allah is one of the best secret planners." I will lift you up to Myself and purify you from (the company of) the disbelievers.” (Surah Aal-e-Imran, 54-55).


When Jesus (peace be upon him) came to know about the plots of the Jews, he gathered his disciples in one place and said to them, "The hostile activities of the chiefs and priests of the Children of Israel are not hidden from you. Now the fragility of time and the hour of severe trials and tests require that I ask you, who are those people among you who will stand up against the flood of disbelief and denial and become supporters and helpers of God's religion? Hearing this blessed saying of Hazrat Jesus, everyone responded with enthusiasm and sincerity of faith. Translation: "We are on the side of Allah and His helpers. We believe in Allah and you are witnesses that we are the bearers of the commandment." O Lord! We believe in the Book which You have sent down, and we are sincere followers of Your Prophet, so write us among the believers" (Surah Aal-e-Imran, 53, 52).

One day, the king's informants, who were busy monitoring Jesus, reported to the chiefs and priests that at that time, Jesus Christ was in a closed house with his disciples, apart from the crowd of people. As soon as they got the information, they reached the spot and surrounded the house from all sides. (Qasas al-Qur'an, Maulana Hufzur Rehman Siwaharvi, Vol. 4, page 353).


It is said in the tradition that the number of Jews who besieged the house was four thousand. What was the number of disciples of Jesus? Twelve, fourteen or seventeen? Who was the person whose face was shaped like yours? There are different answers to these questions in the books of commentators. We have chosen the incident recorded in Allamah Ibn Kathir's Shahriyah Afaq Kitab, "Qasas al-Anbiyyah". It was narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas that when Allah wanted to call you to Him, you came home with your companions, twelve disciples were with you. 

He said: Who among you is given my form, and then he is killed in my place, then he will be with me in Paradise in my rank. So a young man stood up and said that I am present. He sat him down and then asked, but then the same person stood up and said that I am present. He (A.S.) said, "Yes, you are the one." Then the young man's appearance became like that of Jesus (A.S.). He gave him his kurta and ummah. 

 Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) was taken up to heaven from the bright house of the house. The Jews took your image, i.e. someone who looked like you, and put him on the cross. Who remained in prison for seven days? Allah says in the Holy Quran. Translation: "And they said that we have killed Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, who was the Messenger of God, although they neither killed Jesus nor crucified him, but his So he was made (similar to Jesus), those who differ about him. They are in doubt about their condition and they have no absolute knowledge of it except for their followers and they certainly did not kill Jesus, but Allah took them to Himself and Allah is Mighty and Wise. (Surah Al-Nisa verses 158, 157). Ibn Jarir writes that when the Gospel was revealed to Jesus, peace be upon him, he was thirty years old and then he remained on earth for thirty-three years, after which he was taken up to heaven. went. While the Gospel was revealed to you on the 18th of Ramadan. (Qassas Ibn Kathir, page 652).


Allama Ibn Saad writes that it was narrated from Ibn Abbas that one thousand nine hundred years passed between Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and Jesus (peace be upon him). In the period between these two prophets, a thousand prophets were sent to Bani Israel, in addition, there is a gap of five hundred and seventy two (569) years between the birth of Jesus and the birth of the Messenger of Allah. 

Jesus was thirty-two years and six months old when he ascended to heaven. Allah Ta'ala raised him soul and body. They are alive now, will return to the world before the Day of Resurrection and will die like everyone else. The name of the town of Hazrat Isa (peace be upon him) was Nasirah, his companions were also called Nasaris, while the name of the Christians also came from that. (Ibn Sa'd's classes, page 69/1).


How was the Huliya Mubarak of Hazrat Isa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him)? In this regard, some authentic hadiths are presented. The Prophet (PBUH) said. "On the night of Ascension, I also saw Jesus (peace be upon him). He was of medium height, medium body, reddish and white in color, and his hair was straight. Also saw Salam, he was of medium height and very red and white in complexion. So fresh and clean that it seemed that they had just taken a bath. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith 3394).

It was narrated from Abdullah bin Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said. At night I was shown in a dream near the Kaaba that there was a very handsome man of wheat color. He had long, beautiful hair. They had combed their hair and water was dripping from them, they were circumambulating Bait Allah with the support of two men. I asked who is this sir? I was told that this is the Messiah son of Maryam (peace be upon him). (Sahih Bukhari, 6999). It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "I am closest to Jesus Ibn Maryam, peace be upon him, in this world and in the Hereafter." There is no prophet between me and Jesus. All Prophets are paternal brothers.” (Sahih Bukhari, 3443, 3442).


Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “The Day of Judgment will not be established until Jesus Ibn Maryam (AS) descends among you as a just ruler. They will break the cross. They will kill the pigs and will not accept Jizya. In that era, wealth will be so abundant that no one will accept it. (Sahih Bukhari, 2476). 

The re-appearance of Jesus as the Ummah of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, the leadership and guidance of the Muslim Ummah, the suppression of the Dajjal temptation, the killing of pigs, the breaking of the cross, the end of Gog and Magog, the cause of immorality, The establishment of peace and order, the speech of Islam, and the nearness of the Day of Judgment are those realities, which are mentioned in all the books of blessed hadiths. Hazrat Isa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him) will live in this world for forty or forty-five years. You will get married, you will have children, the word of Islam will prevail in the whole world. Then Jesus will die. You will be buried in Roozah Athar, where there is an empty grave. (Qasas al-Anbiya, page 240).


Allah says: "Say that Allah is one." The true God is without need, He is not the father of anyone, nor the son of anyone, and there is no one like him. Hazrat Maryam was also given the status of God. The Christians were also divided into three sects like the Jews. The first was Kastoria, they called Jesus the son of God. 

The second Jacobite, they said that Christ is the same God and it is in the form of Christ that he came to the world. The third Malkaiya, they claimed that the secret of unity is hidden in three, that is, the Father, the Son and Mary, there were also two groups in this congregation. The second group used to add Holy Spirit instead of Hazrat Maryam. Therefore, they used to recognize Hazrat Masih (peace be upon him) as the mediator of the trinity. (Knowledge of the Qur'an, 618/2). In the Holy Qur'an, the Almighty says, translation: "O People of the Book, do not exceed the limit in your religion and do not say anything about Allah except the truth." Christ, the son of Maryam, was the Messenger of Allah and His Messenger, and refrain from saying three Gods. This is better for you. Allah is the only God and He is pure that He has children, whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him, and Allah is the Creator.” (Surat al-Nisa, 171).

Another place is the divine decree. "And they say that Allah has a son. You speak very evil things." With this (invention) the heavens are about to burst and the earth will split and the mountains will crumble and they are sitting to prove the children of Allah and it is not worthy of Allah to make anyone a son. All people, who are in the heavens and the earth, will come before Allah as servants.'' (Surah Maryam, 88 to 93).

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Readmore:  Qasas al-Qur'an: The Story of Jesus Ibn Maryam




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